Thursday, 26 September 2013

This is the blog post I don't want you to read

This last week has been a big week. I’ve signed up to do a marketing course. Nothing big about that really except that it is a year-long course with lots of homework. So far, so expected and so difficult – those who know me well know how I struggle to fit everything in as it is, so taking on something this big . . . But, as we all know, because the lights are never all going to be green at the same time, there’s always a reason to procrastinate. On the one hand, this course is only presented every 12-14 months, got to do it now. On the other, I’m away nearly all of November, so I’ll be playing catch-up for a while afterwards, should take it next time.
But then there was the tipping thing for me and the reason why I pressed that buy button. The course is really a business course and I wouldn’t know how to apply it to be applicable to fiction writing. But I know someone who does, who uses this system and who is running a course alongside the business one to dovetail it to fiction writing. And that someone is that the author with whom I have taken the best writing courses I ever did so I know, with her help, and more work, I can make this er work.
So the scary news is
I’m effectively doing two year-long courses together
The good news is
over this next year I am going to be writing a lot of fiction
The bad news is
I now need to buy a roll of wallpaper on which to write my ‘to-do list’ (with thanks to Nicola, who is also embarking on this madness, for that fabulous idea)
And despite being daunted, I am excited!
Why is this then the blog post I don’t want you to read?
Because now it’s out there in the big wide world, I’m accountable to the goals I’m setting and the tight timetables. So you will nudge me if you see me straying, won’t you?

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