Monday, 9 September 2013

A wise man once said

I recently learnt that Confucius said that ‘it doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop’. And then in one of those once you see something once, you see it everywhere experiences, I’ve noticed lots of other people saying the same thing in all different ways. And it may seem pretty obvious, but to me it’s been a real eye-opener.

I am the world’s worst at beating myself up if I don’t hit my word target for the day or don’t manage to do any writing on a particular evening, and then I get stuck in this ‘I’m so behind’ spiral and all that serves to do is to derail me further. Two of the people closest to me have both reminded me in this last week that I write because I enjoy it, so I should enjoy the journey as well as the reaching the destination. This is my shiny new goal.

I’ve got rid of a daily word count, I’m not even keeping track of how many words I do each day, but I am trying to write every day and if that’s only 100 words, that’s okay. The days I do a lot make my smile brighter, but the few words here and there added when I can, are making my work in progress grow astonishingly fast, which in turn is making me look like I’m auditioning for a toothpaste ad.

Confucius also said ‘choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.’ Wise man, that Confucius.

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