Sunday, 1 February 2015

Not Orange but Happy

For those of you not living in the UK, a little explanation is needed. One of our mobile service providers used to be called Orange and they offered their customers a free cinema ticket every Wednesday. They launched this with a funny ad where the marketing team brainstormed what to call the promotion that happened every Wednesday, from a company called Orange, like clockwork, and they came up with… Orange Wednesdays. 

For eight and a half years I've been juggling a full-time job, four kids and husband (actually they've all been around for longer than eight and a half years!) fitting writing in at the margins of my time which, as you can appreciate, hasn't been much time and therefore not much writing. For all sorts of different reasons I've now been able to reduce my working hours in my day-job to 4 full days per week which gives me one glorious day – Wednesday – to fill with words.

And what does this have to do with Orange? Well, I've christened this day my Happy Wednesday because on Wednesday I'm so –er– happy, filling my time with words planned, words written, words edited, words proofread. I've only had a few and I'm in no way used to being off on a workday but the sense of freedom at the possibilities of what I could achieve each Wednesday morning is enough to make me jump out of bed grinning like a mad woman! That huge pile that is my writing to do list is actually looking like being achievable – 2015, it's going to be a great year!!

1 comment:

  1. It was a delight to read this, Karen. May you and your Happy Wednesdays continue to flourish
