Wednesday, 30 October 2013

What's the creepiest thing you've ever read?

In this Halloween week when we’re all gearing up to be scared, I’m wondering what’s the creepiest thing you’ve ever read? Was it a Stephen King or James Herbert or Richard Laymon book? Or an Edgar Allen Poe story, maybe? With horror, you’d expect, and be hoping, to be scared silly. I’ve read a lot of Stephen King and found some of it quite creepy but nothing that really scared me (although I can remember being really frightened by the first TV adaptation of Salem’s Lot – in my defence I was watching it alone and was a teenager with an over-active imagination [so the only thing that’s changed there is my age]).

The creepiest book I’ve ever read was Blood Harvest by S.J.Bolton. S.J. writes cracking thrillers that are steeped in Old English folklore and, maybe because I wasn’t expecting to be scared by a thriller, was why it got me. Where I’d usually go to bed with a book, I found that I couldn’t read that one just before I went to sleep, especially when my husband was away. Ten out of ten to the author for the amount of suspense and ‘can’t bear to look’ moments in that one.

My youngest daughter doesn’t do horror or anything remotely like it and, we’ve realised, it’s because she can’t bear the tension build-up to the moment that makes you jump but, as writers, that’s the part of our readers we want to tap into to make you want to keep turning the pages!

If you want to have a creepy five minutes - check out the guest blog post I did this week, what a lot of fun I had writing those 500 words!! Enjoy.

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