It’s been a great week. Here in the
northern hemisphere we’re celebrating that we’ve passed the shortest day and, while commiserations go to all you southern hemisphere folk that your days are
now getting shorter, I’m very happy ours are drawing out – I get very fed up
going to work and then coming home again all in the dark!
But that’s not actually the reason I’m
celebrating this week, the fact that my new book is out is why I’m opening
As you know, I’m more of a marathon type
writer, settling in for the long haul and wrestling novels into shape to be fit
for reading consumption so it was quite a surprise to me how much fun I had
putting together a collection of flash fiction. So much fun, there will
definitely be more!
Here’s the blurb -
all have our favourite celebrations filled with the same things every year –
for some it’s candy canes and family time at Christmas, for others a suntan
and making new friends on holiday, or the spectacle of fireworks on Bonfire
Night and for most it’s fun on our birthdays.
sometimes it’s just not . . .
Celebrations, but not as
you know them
It’s available from amazon but, in the
spirit of Christmas, I have a gift for you if you go via my website here
and fill in the gift form, you will get a
free story, just for you (and it’s a fun one!) There’s a buy button there too which will take you right back to amazon.
Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I
wish you the best of what you wish yourself over this holiday season and hope
that 2014 will exceed your expectations.