Thursday, 23 May 2013

A breath of fresh air

You may have noticed it’s been forever a while since my last blog post. In my defence I have been working really hard to get my edits done and when I'm getting close to a goal, I get a little single-minded and tunnel-visioned. The closer I get to the finish line, when all I want to do then is reach the goal, every minute I’m not working towards it, is a minute I’m stressing that I should be.
And yet, with a little distance, and headspace, you can often achieve more because it sharpens your perception of what you need to do and how you can do it. It also gives your right brain, that wonderful left-field creative touchy-feely side of you, time to do its stuff. Even knowing this, I sometimes have to be dragged kicking and screaming away from my desk . . . Which my husband did manage to do in April and we had a fabulous week being out and about in the cold, wet, snow, sunshine and warmth that are Spring in the UK.  We walked about 25 miles over four days, not a lot of distance but we did some good steep climbs in the Peak District and the Cotswolds.
Climbing over a stile in the sunshine during our staycation, I had a cracking idea for a new book and for the next hour we had to keep stopping so I could note story ideas for it down on my phone. Even now in the May gloom (!) the idea is making me smile and I can’t wait to start drafting it into a fully-fledged outline. Just need to finish whipping the current work in progress into shape first, so if you need me, I’ll be at my desk every second of every minute I can be until I’ve typed those glorious words ‘The End’.